Hi, nice to meet you. I'm Carlos.

I'm an integrated art director.

In 1994, I started to work as a copywriter at Contrapunto/BBDO. Between 1996 and 2002, I worked and grew at a few agencies in Madrid like BDDP/ManceboKaye, Y&R, M&C Saatchi and TBWA.

Also, I spent some time freelancing for clients such as Camper, Advico/Y&R Zurich, M&C Saatchi London and Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

In 2002, I met a Canadian woman, through work, of course. I ended up moving to Vancouver in 2003, where the transformation started. I studied art direction, typography, photography and graphic design at Emily Carr Institute for Art and Design, joined Rethink Advertising, and began saying "I had a glass of wader at the pardy." I learned some strange new concepts, like "long underwear", "take-out coffee" and "Canadian wine". Then, just when I thought I had things almost figured out, I had a daughter and we all moved back to Madrid.

I started a small creative shop there called Purr and won a nice little project for Toyota - which you can read all about down below. Eventually, change called again, and my company evolved into a tiny independent film production company.

In 2007, I moved back to Canada and since then, I've been bringing my unique experience and even uniquer (no, that's not a word, but it will do) way of thinking to agencies like Ogilvy Toronto, KBS+ and Bensimon Byrne.

I'm currently open to freelance work or joining a creative team on a full-time basis (647.521.4908).

By the way, I don't believe my transformation is complete, as I never expect to stop evolving. So if you're an agency that likes people who learn and grow, you can see I have a whole whack of experience.

(Toyota) Yaris Cinexplora 06

Alternative Media Campaign for the Repositioning of the New Toyota Yaris.

Target: Young couples.

Proposal: A Short Film Festival called Cinexplora. We adapted the tagline "Intelligent Cinema" from the Yaris' existing tagline "Intelligent Thinking".

Young, talented filmmakers across Spain were asked to send 3 minute scripts, integrating the car for at least 30 seconds. 400 were received and 30 were chosen.

The winning filmmakers were sent to a workshop given by the European Film College and other well-known professionals like Jan Harlan (Stanley Kubrick's producer), Thomas Vinterberg and Bo Ehrhardt to develop their screenplays.

Toyota and Purr co-produced the 30 short films and they were shown at Cineplexes across Spain, as well as on the website, where the public was able to vote.

5 different Prizes were awarded to the winning films at a gala, and 10,000 free DVDs were distributed with the magazine Cinemanía.

In total, the free press generated more than 5 million Euros (more than 8 times the cost of the project.)